Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Building Your Love Maps

November 17, 2014

We know that successful couples have strong love maps.

So what are love maps?

Love maps are all the things  that we know about our partner.

Love maps change over time , so therefore  we need to stay curious and continue to spend time and energy on getting to know each other.

Have some fun tonight. Try some of these and let us know how you do.

True or False

1. I can tell you what stresses my partner is currently facing.  T or F

2. I know my partner’s favorite music                                              T or F

3.  I can list the relatives my partner likes the least.                    T or F

4.  I can tell you in detail my first impressions of my partner    T or F

5.  I know the three most special times in my partner’s life.      T or F

Don’t forget to check out your answers with your partner.

Any surprises?




Another exciting Bringing Baby Home Workshop

October 17, 2014

Make your relationship a priority.

Jeanette and Laurie will be presenting another Bringing Baby Home Workshop for couples .

You will find us at the Toadstool Music Studio in Sherwood Park (48 Brentwood Blvd.)

Our 2 day workshop will be held on Sunday Nov. 2 and Sunday Nov. 16 from 9:00 am-3:30 pm.

This valuable investment  in your couple relationship will cost $250, which includes lunch and materials.

To register contact : Mommyconnections at

For more information please call Jeanette (780)915-6167


Bringing Baby Home Upcoming Workshops

September 12, 2014

Do you want to know more about keeping your couple friendship solid while managing the changes  and challenges of parenthood?   

Join us in your community for a 2 day workshop for couples expecting or new to parenting.

Lessard Community Edmonton, AB

 Lessard Community Hall, 17404  57 Ave. NW

Saturday November 8 and Sunday November 9

Time : 9:30 am to 3:30 pm 

Cost : $250 per couple ( includes lunch both days and BBH Couples Workbook and Activity Cards)

To Register or Request Further Information : Contact Jeanette at 780 915 6167 or email


 Fort  Saskatchewan, Riverside Hall, 10306 – 101 Ave.

 Saturday November 15 and Saturday November 22

Time : 9:30am to 3:30 pm 

Cost : $250 per couple ( includes lunch both days and BBH Couples Workbook and Activity Cards)

To Register or Request Further Information : Contact Jeanette at 780 915 6167 or email


Watch for further locations to be posted soon, includes Calgary and Saskatoon